Griboedov was born in Moscow in a wealthy, well-born family. His ancestor, Jan Grzybowski (Polish. Jan Grzybowski), at the beginning of the XVII century, moved from Poland to Russia.
Griboedov is known for his brilliantly rhymed play “Woe from Wit” (1824), which is still quite often staged in Russian theaters. She was the source of numerous catch phrases.
Это на русском
Грибоедов родился в Москве, в обеспеченной родовитой семье. Его предок, Ян Гржибовский (польск. Jan Grzybowski), в начале XVII века переселился из Польши в Россию.
Грибоедов известен благодаря блестяще рифмованной пьесе «Горе от ума» (1824), которую до сих пор весьма часто ставят в театрах России. Она послужила источником многочисленных крылатых фраз.
Listen and repeat. What names of these foods / drinks are / sound similar in your language? Which do you eat / drink for breakfast / lunch / dinner?
<span>Слушайте и повторяйте. Какие названия этих продуктов / напитков / звучат, похоже на вашем языке? Что вы едите / пьёте на завтрак / обед / ужин<span>?</span></span>
A. hi jen
B. Hello, Nick! As your success in exam preparation?
A. toil! Be sure to prepare all topics in English. I think we could do it together, for example, work out in the characterization of the Olympic Games. I propose to create a dialogue.
B. I do not mind, let's come up with the role. For example, you Examiner I - student answers the question. Do you know anything about the history of the Olympic Movement? Can you ask questions?
A. Probably. Well, we start? So, the first question is: what is the Olympus?
B. About how far away you start! But I know the answer to this question. Firstly, it is a mountain range in Greece, he was considered the highest. Secondly, Olympus - a sacred mountain, the seat of the gods, led by Zeus.
A. Okay. As the Olympic Games are associated with the name of Zeus?
B. The fact that the city of Olympia in honor of the god Zeus arranged festivals and competitions. Athletes competed in sports such as fist fighting, riding in chariots, running and others.
A. You know, when I first held the Olympic games?
B. History of the Olympic Movement is divided into two stages: the ancient and the new. In ancient Greece, games were conducted with 776 BC. e. 394 years BC. e., were subsequently canceled. In the modern world history of the game was resumed in 1896.
A. In some cities around the world held games in the last 100 years?
B. Games were held, for example, in cities such as Paris, London, Stockholm, Berlin, Rome, Helsinki, Los Angeles and others. In 1980, the Olympic Games were held in Moscow.
A. What sports are included in the Olympics? What time of year are the games held?
B. The individual wires Summer and Winter Games. A set of sports is wide and varied, in the winter - from biathlon to freestyle and figure skating, summer - from Nordic walking and jumping to the shot put.
A. When our country first participated in the Olympics? What are our achievements?
B. Our athletes participating in the Olympic Games since 1952. They perform well, win and gold, and silver, and bronze medals.
A. Which one of the famous athletes who participated in the Olympics, you could call?
B. Well, for example, Irina Rodnina - repeated champion of the games.
A. Where will take place the next time the game?
B. Summer Olympic Games 2000 will be held in Sydney, Australia.
A. Well, the dialogue was. Topic we have prepared.
B. remarkable. Thank you.
1.She have been cleaning
2.haven't gone
3.haven't seen
Germany. Japan. France. England (Great Britain) Armenia. Англ еще в New Zealand, Australia Canada. Французский также и в Канаде.