Word eagle - starynnoe n, p shodnoe Title эtoy ptytsы in the second Slavic peoples and ancient Perhaps blyzkoe for-hermanskomu. Title Writers Russians in the XVIII century, notably in B. Levshina
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A)For example, if you will speak the truth to the teacher,something that is not slelat work,it can put a bad grade.And if silent,then maybe the teacher won't notice.
В)the students think that some classes are boring because they are not interested in the topics,they may not be able to do homework as well and samostoyatelnye.
С)important and evaluation and knowledge,because if you're going to learn,and know,and thus receive a good grade.
Where is rain?
What is pouring everyday?
How frequently does rain pour?
How long does it pour?
What month does it start?
What month does it end?