1 Русская кухня богата и разнообразна ?
Ответ : yes, Russian cuisine is rich and diverse
2 Есть ли в России большой выбор молочных продуктов ? Какие они?
Ответ : Yes they are. Milk, Cheese, Sour Cream, Yoghurts
3 Какие русские закуски вы знаете?Название русских холодных мясных блюд
Ответ : pickles , fat , sauerkraut. Casserole(запеканка) , roast ( жаркое ), borscht (борщ)
4 Какие популярные русские горячие закуски ?
Ответ : fried eggplant (жаренные баклажаны )
5 Какие популярные русские супы вы знаете ? Пользуются ли русские супы популярностью у иностранных туристов?
Ответ : borscht , chicken soup , pickle, cabbage soup, hodgepodge
Rather yes than no
6 Какие русские знаменитые хлебобулочные изделия ?
Ответ : pies,curd patty ( ватрушка ) ,cheese cake (сырная лепешка )
7 Что вы едите из русских фруктов и овощей ?
Ответ : carrot , apple , potato, cabbage,orange,parsley
8 Из чего сделан збитен
Ответ :Water ,honey ,spices
9 Тебе нравится Хачапури ? Какую начинку можно использовать ?
Ответ : Yes ,I like ahochapourf. Meat, egg, cheese
10 Какое традиционное новогодние блюдо,сладкое вы знаете ?Из чего оно сделано ?
Ответ: Russian salad ( potato, peas, sausage, greens, cucumber, sour cream, egg)
A framed mirror showing a jug.
A fish pond acting as a mirror to reflect views of people.
A mirror or looking-glass is something that reflects light. One common plane mirror is a piece of special flat glass that a person can look into to see a reflection of themselves or what is behind them.
Sometimes, a flat piece of metal or the surface of water can act like a mirror.
The reason you are able to see yourself in a mirror is because light comes in and gets reflected, and that's how you are able to see your reflection.
Mirrors can have magnification properties, making images appear smaller or larger than their actual size. They can also be concave (curved inward) or convex (curved outward), making the reflected angle and view to be smaller or larger, respectively. Special mirrors can make a person's appearance look strange
Also in a mirror, writing appears backwards, as a "mirror image" of the original writing.
Mirrors are usually made out of glass with metal on the back, called "silvering" even if the metal is not silver. Some mirrors are made of polished metal, which is less breakable.
Mirrors with a curved surface can make things appear bigger or smaller, like a lens
We live at the beginning of the XXI century. It's not surprising that people have questions: what will it be like?
What awaits humanity ahead? And it would not hurt to ask what the future of humanity will be like, for everything that happens around is the work of people. So, our future depends on ourselves.
To be honest, I do not have very optimistic views on the future. It seems to me that the more a person knows, the worse it becomes. We feel like kings of nature, and nature avenges us for it. We believe that we can change the geography of the world: there the sea is dormant, there we will create it. But when this was done, did anyone think about the consequences of this? We discover new and new substances, and in the end it turns out that they threaten all of humanity. We pretend that we are fighting for human rights or state rights, but in fact we are waging normal wars. This was in the XX century. Will anything change in the XXI? I doubt it.
What kind of person will be the future? He will be intelligent, and too smart. But it will not be her own mind, it will be the mind of the computers that he creates. Why keep in mind a lot of formulas, schemes, etc? It is enough to create the program, and let the machine work further. So it will be 10, 20, 30 years, and the next generation will remember something, if they are all done by computers?
The man of the future will conquer the cosmos. But I do not think that it will benefit anyone. We are gradually destroying our planet, and so are other planets.
We will have a completely different culture and other art, because our society will be technical. Rural landscapes will replace cities that will all grow and grow. Artists will draw rockets, crowded streets and the inhabited Moon. Poets glorify scientific achievements and at the same time mourn for lost tranquility, because there is still the second side of the matter: people are so carried away by the creation of a new life that they forget that there are real friends, that the most important for a person is the family and that in the end is more attractive from the noise of the city is the singing of the nightingale.
We are already forgetting this, and the man of the future, even more so. But still it would be interesting to live in this future. Humanity, even feeling the danger ahead, will still approach it, because such is the nature of man: he always seeks to learn something, to discover, to subdue. Therefore, in essence the person of the future will not differ in anything from a person of the past or the present.
My mum's sweet cake. Вот и все