1 He hasn't seen a UFO.
2 He has read many science fiction books.
3 Dan hasn't studied at the University of California.
4 He has worked in an international company.
5 He has earned a lot of money.
6 He has moved from England to the USA.
7 Dan hasn't climbed Mount Blanc.
8 He has met the president three times.
Существует три основных части человеческого тела: голова,туловище,конечности. Скелет тела состоит из 223 костей различного размера и формы,которые создают устойчивую,но гибкую опору для мягких тканей,мышц и органов. Каркас,содержащий в себе мозг и поддерживающий лицо,называется черепом. Скелет туловища в основном состоит из позвоночного столба,составленного из многих костных колец. Диафрагмой туловище разделяется на две больших полости. Грудная -- верхняя,брюшная -- нижняя.
Верхняя полость включает в себя сердце и лёгкие. В нижней находятся желудок,печень,желчный пузырь и кишечник. Лёгкие относятся к дыхательной системе. Почки и мочевой пузырь -- часть выделительной системы. Сердце,артерии,вены составляют сердечно-сосудистую.
Верхние конечности делятся на лопатку,плечо,предплечье и ладонь. У каждой руки есть 4 обычных и 1 большой палец.
Нижние конечности делятся на бедро,голень и ступню.
1. <span>There are 3 chief parts of the human body: the head, the trunk, the limbs.
2. </span><span>The skeleton is composed of bones.
3. T</span>he skull contains <span>the brain.
4. T</span>he large cavities into which the trunk is divided are t<span>he chest and the belly.
5. </span><span>The chest contains heart and lungs.
6. T</span>he parts of the upper extremity are <span>the shoulder, the upper arm, the forearm and the hand.
7. I</span>n the belly there is <span>stomach, liver, gallbladder and the intestines.
8. T</span>he lower extremity consist of <span>the thigh, the lower leg and the foot.
9. R</span>espiratory system,urinary system,<span>cardiovascular system.
10. </span><span>Kidneys and bladder are belong to the urinary systems.
11. </span><span>The lungs belong to the respiratory systems.
12. </span><span>The heart, the arteries, veins constitute the cardiovascular system. </span>
1 travels
2 did you come
3 swim
4 aren't seeing
5 moved
6 's going
7 enjoy
8 does
9 talking
1The teacher said to me I hadn't done my homework well. 2 The woman said that man spoke to her on the road. 3 The teacher said to the pupils the following year they would have six hours of English a week. 4 My sister said to me she was going to become a doctor. 5 The woman said to her she was glad she was there. 6My guest said to me I was an excellent cook.Everything was so tasty. 7The student said he couldn't answer that question. 8Ann said to us they hadn't come yet.