1. Excuse me, could you count these pencils, please?
2. I ask you to say «Hello»
3. Could you go to the classroom?
4. You are welcome, come to the blackboard.
5. I'm sorry, can you spell your name?
1.If you want to start a business you`ll have many <u>expenses.</u>
2.To <u>make a profi</u>t you should work hard and think about your business.
3.Before you will start your business you must <u>employ</u> employees (работники)
4. And <u>secondary</u> you should untwist your business, to be successful businessman.
Я так понимаю это нужно:
Monday - Mon.
Tuesday - Tue.
Wednesday - Wed.
Thursday - Thu.
Friday - Fri.
Saturday - Sat.
Sunday - Sun.
Есть несколько способов сокращения. Можно еще только первые две буквы.