Без самой записи сложно угадать, что там
<span>1) Its d__ from other European cities .
2) There are many places to visit: museums , art gallaries, theatres...
3) Oh, yesterday I saw the Houses of Parliament, heard the visiting of Big Ban
4) The c__ of all British Kings and Queens t__ p__ there.</span>
1. I will listen to music on the way home. 2. My friend will listen to music on the concert. 3. I will listen to music tommorow.
1. i will send you e-mail later. 2. Will you send me e-mail today? 3. They will never send e-mail to you.
1. I will surf the Net today. 2. I will surf the Net everyday, when i'll get access to the internet! 3.I will never surf the Net.
Of all the over-treated species, I like painting most of all, because it is a colorful and popular type of art. I don’t like other types of art, because I don’t understand them.
<span><span>1) a fashionable - d) haircut (</span>модная стрижка<span>)
2) a shabby</span> <span>- f) couch (</span>потертый диван<span>)
3) a vanished - e) treasure (</span>пропавшее сокровище<span>)
4) fried - b) chops (</span>жареные отбивные<span>)
5) a worthy - a) gift (</span>подходящий подарок<span>)
6) a wrapped - g) box (</span>завернутая коробка<span>)
7) a obedient - c) boy (</span>послушный мальчик<span>)
</span></span><span><span>8) a new - j) owner (</span>новый владелец<span>)
9) a rare - h) book (</span>редкая книга<span>)
10) an expensive - i) present (</span>дорогостоящий подарок<span>)</span></span>