1. a pig, sheep, a rabbit, a hen, a cat, a dog.
2. a wild cat , а pheasant
3. a lion, a snake
4. a cow, a goat, a cangaroo, a koala
5. a tiger, a squirrel
6. a pig, a horse
7. a сhameleon
8. a lama, an irbis
-прогноз погоды - forecast,<span>
-время года - </span>season,<span>
-близость к морям - </span>closeness to the sea, the proximity to the seas,<span>
-средняя температура - </span>average temperature,<span>
-мелкий дождь - drizzle,
-ясная погода - fair weather,
-ясная погода</span> - clear weather.