Надо сфотографировать или нарисовать любимые блюда твоей семьи. Потом подписать и рассказать кто их обычно готовит и кто ему помогает в этом.
Удачи тебе в учебе
1. How many weeks will it take...
2. How much does Bill know ..
3. How many persons has Nick told...
4. How many stairs is the office
5. How much luggage had passengers?
6. How much time haven't I see..
7. How much time has Mrs lived..
Her favorit subject is English. Её любимый школьный предмет - Английский язык.
1. Yes I have and it was facinating
2. I visited about 5 concerts in my life
3.The last concert was "the Sing"
4.It was a month ago
5. It was going in the main square of my town
6.I went with my best friend
7.I went to these concert because i love this group so mach
8.i listen rok or pop music
9.there was a gitare
10.I like the music and light
As for me, i want be researcher. It is very interesting proffesion. You can open so many interesting and incretable things! I think this proffesion is the best as for me.