The are some beautiful flowers....
the other flower другой цветок перед существительным стоит слова other поэтому нужен определенный артиклью
Iron Arnie”as I used to call Schwarzenegger his fans around the world, was born July 30, 1947 in the small Austrian town of Graz. From childhood the boy had a weakness for sports, loved to participate in various competitions, his father even wanted Arnold became a professional footballer. But fate decreed otherwise, and, leaving the local football team, Arnie started bodybuilding. In this field, luck was constantly accompanied by a young athlete and Schwarzenegger repeatedly become Mr. universe, Mr. Olympia, has won many other competitions and the result is entered into the history of the sport as one of the most successful bodybuilders in the world.
1) что любит Катя?
2) что любит Лиза?
3) что любит Виктор?
4) что любит Наташа?
5) что любит Денис?
6) что любит Алекс?
7) что любит Иван?
Order the words to make sentences.1. meet, ever, hardly, we, 2. what, work, you, usually, time, do, finish ? 3. morning, in, the
Леночка19 [9]
1. We ever hardly meet.
2. What time do you usually finish work?
3. I'm never hungry in the morning.
4. I don't often read a newspaper.
5. Sometimes we go to expensive restaurants.
6. This is usually a very good wine.
Ответ: worn
Объяснение: время past simple