React- реагировать (глагол,verb)
reaction- реакция ( существ. noun)
reactor- реактор (noun)
reactivity- реактивность (noun)
science- наука (noun)
scientific- научный (прилагат. adjective)
scientist- учёный (noun)
industry- индустрия,промышленность (noun)
industrial- промышленный (adjective)
industrious- трудолюбивый (adjective)
cold- холод,холодный ( noun and adjective)
coldly- холодно ( наречие. adverb)
coldness- холодность ( noun)
dark- темный (adjective)
darkness- темнота (noun)
darken- темнеть (verb)
happy- счастливый (adjective)
happily- счастливо (adverb)
happiness- счастье (noun)
unhappy- несчастный (adjective)
equal- равный (adj)
equally- одинаково (adverb)
unequal- неравный (adj)
equality- равенство (noun)
free- свободный (adj)
freedom- свобода ( noun)
freely- свободно (adverb)
attention- внимание (noun)
attentive- внимательный (adj)
attentively- внимательно (adverb)
sun- солнце (noun)
sunny- солнечно (adverb)
sunless- тусклый (adj)
care -забота (noun)
careful-заботливый (adj)
careless- неосторожный (adj)
carefully- внимательно (adverb)
carelessness- небрежность (noun)
to differ- отличаться (verb)
different- различный (adj)
difference- разница (noun)
indifferent- равнодушный (adj)
England- Англия (noun)
English- английский (adj)
Englishman- англичанин (noun)
fame- известность (noun)
famous- известный (adj)
- is, will be, will not be, were.
- have, has, have, has.
- are, are, is, is.
- classes, oxes, babies, leafs, sheeps, advices, shoes, heroes, roofs, factories.
- some, no, some.
- works, is going, have got, have come.
The Loud House is Nickelodeon Animation Studio's American animated animated series made specifically for the Nickelodeon channel. Currently created 5 seasons. The first show took place on May 2, 2016 in the United States and May 28, 2016 in Russia. In 2020, Netflix will release a feature film based on the animated series
The animated series tells about the adventures of the only boy in the family, Lincoln and his 10 sisters: Lily, Lisa, Lola, Lana, Lucy, Lynn, Luan, Luna, Leni, Lori, living in the small town of Royal Woods (Michigan). Every day, while their parents are not at home, they have a difficult but fun life. Despite the fact that the characters are different in age and hobby, they have a good relationship, since Lincoln takes care of the sisters, and they respond with affection, although conflicts arise periodically. Brother and sisters do not always get along, but they are ready to act together.
The prince talked to a<span><span> beautiful</span> princess.
2. Did the elephant play
the saxophone?
3. Last night Anton and Dimitri watched a funny film.
4. My favourite month is February.
5. Where were you on Monday?</span>
Люди без работы
Для миллионов американцев работа это проблема, потому что у них ее нет. Количество официально безработных американцев изменилось за последние четыре десятилетия. Изменяющиеся экономические условия определяют увеличение или снижение безработицы. Если мы взглянем на то, сколько людей было без работы в определенный период, то мы увидим, что вплоть до 20 процентов были безработными.