<span>In the magical village a lot of magic ! At home there are the top of the legs , there is always peace and there are very nice . There is a rainbow right outside the houses there were once no bad weather there is always Sunny and bright ! There are beautiful gardens , flowers , meadows.! You can be anyone and do everything !</span>
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ll have the bird for my breakfast said think the cat.</span>
Легкая же тема, просто напиши о вреде телевизора. То что портится зрение, не развивает мозг, а кок раз наоборот. Многие люди очень много проводят времени за ним и теряют время зря, а могли бы работать, учиться, развиваться
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Is Ukraine famous for its beautiful nature? Общий
Is Ukraine or Austria famous for its beautiful nature? Альтернативный
What country is famous for its beautiful nature? Вопрос к подлежащему
What is Ukraine famous for? Специальный
Ukraine is famous for its beautiful nature, isn’t it? Разделительный