Ты шо офигел либо ты чёрт либо лузер
Его работа наблюдать, чем занимаются другие. последнее- студенты переводят текст, остальные сейчас посмотрю
А) Его жизнь была непроста и он был довольно несчастным человеком, но его музыка тепла и красива. Он путешествовал заграницу, но любил жить у себя дома, в своей стране.
б) Лев Толстой, родился в 1828 году, написал два самых великих произведения мира "Война и мир" и "Анна Каренина".
в) Когда ему было 82, он покинул дом, но вскоре заболел и умер в маленьком отеле при железнодорожной станции.
г) Петр Ильич Чайковский был одним из самых известных музыкальных композиторов. Он родился в Воткинске в 1840 и стал студентов в Санкт-Петербурге.
<span>sitting at the desk .....................</span>
Visiting a different culture can be an exciting experience but, at the same time, it can cause serious challenges. So, what is to be expected?
To open up a discussion, visiting a different culture opens excellent prospects of broadening one's mind. To begin with, by moving to a foreign country you make fascinating discoveries. In addition, you stand a chance to learn about new customs and traditions. To continue the list of positive impressions, you have a good opportunity to make more friends.
In spite of positive expectations, a culture shock is inevitable, which is often a painful feeling caused by a strange environment. First of all, a major problem may arise because you have to use a language other than your native tongue and moments of misunderstanding are sure to occur. Furthermore, the norms of life including food, behavior of people and medical service may completely confuse you making you feel painfully nostalgic. On top of that, nobody knows you there and you have to start new relationships not to be alone.
Taking seriously about the effect of culture shock, I must admit that it may turn out to be a real problem, especially at the beginning of your stay. Having the language in mind, you have to learn at least the basics of the foreign language spoken in the country of your destination. As for food and other sides of life, the arising difficulties are usually gone with the time. Regarding loneliness, your social skills will surely help.
In sum, visiting a different culture can cause a culture shock indeed, but if you cope with it, your stay will be useful and pleasant.