1. smaller
2. bigger
3. faster
4. slower
5. cleverer
6. less beautiful
1. Anya's holiday was the most exciting because there are no negative impressions in her story. Nothing made them unhappy in the Crimea.
2. Olga's holiday was the least exciting because there is nothing interesting in her story. She just keeps complaining about how awful her holiday was.
3. Sasha's holiday was the most expensive.
4. Rob's holiday was the cheapest.
1) He usually hasn't tea and toast for breakfast. Has he usually tea and toast for breakfast? What he usually has for breakfast?2) He doesn't always get up at seven o'clock. Does he always get up at seven o'clock? What time does he always get up? 3)She doesn't often go to school by bus. Does she often go to school by bus? How does she often go to school? 4)he doesn't often play Quidditch in his free time. Does he often play Quidditch in his free time? What does he often play at his free time? 5) I don't usually go to bed at eleven o'clock. Do you usually go to bed at eleven o'clock? What time do you usually go to bed?
A bear is known to be the strongest predator in wild nature. It has no enemies; no other animals dare to hunt for such a great creature. It has sturdy legs and body, can easily climb trees, it swims and runs very fast. A bear has got thick fur, a short tail and also it has a perfect sense of smell. It always hunts in the mornings and in the evenings. And despite common opinion, it is not afraid of bee stings.
Медведь, как известно, является самым сильным хищником в дикой природе. Он не имеет врагов; нет других животных, которые посмели бы охотиться за такое могучее существо. Он имеет крепкие ноги и тело, может легко залезать на деревья, хорошо плавает и бегает очень быстро. Медведь имеет густой мех, короткий хвост и также он обладает совершенным обонянием. Он всегда охотится по утрам и по вечерам. И, несмотря на распространенное мнение, он не боится укусов пчел.
Диддли,Диддли, Димпти.
Диддли,Диддли, Димпти.
Кошка взбежала на сливовое дерево.
Я надену корону.
Я тебя подведу.
Пой, Диддли, Диддли, Болтай.