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Is his garden bigger than Ann's garden?
Schools don't prepare young people for life in the real world.
In every country it's part of the national law-young children have to go to school to get education.School gives us the o<span>pportunity to continue our education in university and get degree.So,as well we can continue our life working and making a family.But do we actually know what is going to be in the future?Does school prepare us for that?
We study the basics without which we can be the social people.We learn the basics of math,physic,language,geography,etc.We are going to use this kind of knowledge for being self-educated.Without this we are not going to "survive".
But the actual thing,that we cant learn at school:What to do,if you don't have any time to finish your main degree project?How to manage your time?How to be self-organized?School is not going to give you the answer to this questions.We have to go through our own way,with our own mistakes and make everything work for us.
School is still the most important part of our life-we can still be kind of free,but have to study.All the hard things are going to be in the future,for which no one is going to prepare you.</span>
1) Future Simple: She will be a university student next year. – Она будет студенткой университета в следующем году.
They will meet at the station and have lunch together. – Они встретятся на вокзале и пообедают вместе.
2)Future Continuous: I will be studying English from 4 till 6 o’clock on Monday. Я буду учить английский в понедельник с 4 до 6 часов вечера.
Her son will be playing football when she goes to the post office.Ее сын будет играть в футбол, когда она пойдет на почту.
3)Future Perfect :They will have noticed many mistakes in my letter – Они, наверное, заметили кучу ошибок в моем письме.
She will have read about these cases in the magazines – Она, должно быть, прочитала об этих случаях в журналах.
Let`s talk about winter. Winter is the beautiful season, because there are much snow. You can play many games with snow: snowballs, creating snowman and different custles.Come after this to the home and drink hot tea with sweets. Watching Christmas films when snow is going. But winter has some minuses.
Everybody say, because it`s very cold. You must to put on many jackets and fat pullover. That`s all that I wanted to say. Thank you for your listening.