I helping mother now. I don't helpinig mother now
Я люблю урок информатики
на перемене мы играем в догонялки
на уроеке физкультуры я очень лублю играть в баскетбол
4 незнаю
моя любимая еда гамбургер
моя сестра готовит суп на плите
на уроке музыки мы учим и поем песни
8 незнаю
Лиза любит поснать на уроках
Бен очень красиво рисует
11 ---
You must eat a lot of fruit and vegetables.
You mustn't go swimming after a meal.
You must drink a lot of water in the summer.
You mustn't put lots of salt in the soup.
You must cook food well.
When summer comes to us we can see a lot of green lives on trees,many flowers and many flying birds around our houses. I also can see from my window that sun is brighter and warmer.