2 a Farmer
Plants trees and grows animals
Treats animals
Посмотрии где работают програмисты и впиши
Check books and gives them to people
<span>1. By what properties are metals distinguished from nonmetals? </span><span><span>d. High conductivity for heat and electricity.
</span> 2. What common metals are produced in great quantities? </span><span><span>a. Iron, copper and zinc.
</span> 3. What metals are called light? </span><span><span>e. Aluminium, berillium and titanium.
</span> 4. What properties do nonmetals have?</span><span><span>b. They are usually poor conductors of heat and electricity.
</span> 5. What is done to protect metals from corrosion? c. They are coated by some organic coatings.
Не знаю, пойду ли я когда-нибудь снова на авто-шоу, но это было моей идеей поехать в настоящую поездку.
Day out вообще переводится как поездка или выехать куда-либо на день.
Не всегда все можно перевести на русский дословно))
1 номер:
1. I would not want you to spend this summer in Sheffield
2. We did not expect our relatives to visit the Lake District
3.Molly wants her son to see the famous Stonehenge
4.Would you like us to stay in a hotel in Liverpool?
5.I do not expect Alice to tell us much about the ruins of Hadrian’s wall
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