<span>The Amazon rainforest is located in South America and covers 2.1 million square miles of land. Brazil has 60%, Peru has 13%, and Colombia has 10% while other countries have very small parts of the rainforest within their borders. Altogether there are nine nations that enjoy all that the Amazon rainforest has to offer. The Amazon rainforest has existed for at least 55 million years. The Amazon rainforest is home to a very diverse range of species, many of which are not found elsewhere in the world.</span>
1,This men is your managers(это твои менеджеры)
2,is there branches of your company nearby?
3,так и останется
4,The corporations has a new business abroads
5.THeir ofifices wasnt in a new buildings
Я хочу рассказать о Коуле Спотсе.Это Американский известный актёр . У него есть брат Дилан и они блезницы.В первые они появились на экранах в сериале "зак и коди или всё тип -топ".Сейчас Коулу двадцать один год и он снимается в сериале "Ривердейл"там же и познакомился со своей нынешней девушкой Лили Ранхерд ,Лили тоже знаминитая актриса .
перевод на англ:I want to talk about Cole Spots.This is an American famous actor . He has a brother, Dylan, and they're twins.In the first they appeared on the screens in the series "Zack and Cody or all type-top".Now Cole is twenty-one years old and he starred in the series "Riverdale"there and met his current girlfriend Lily Ranherd ,Lily is also a famous actress .
I like friend people - Я люблю дружелюбных людей
( имя своего друга) is a very friendly - (имя) очень дружелюбный
My best friend (имя)-Мой лучший друг ..
1. Is he a mascot?
2. Is she from America?
3. Is he from Asia?
4. Are they kids?
5. Are we funny?
6. It is a dog?
7. Are you nice?
8. Is she my mother?