Как? Там же слушать надо.
1) What did Tom buy yesterday? ( Том купил машину вчера. Что купил Том вчера?)
2) Where will the Brows spend next summer? ( Броунсы проведут следующее лето в деревне. Где Броунсы проведут след лето?)
3) When did She come home yesterday ? ( она пришла вчера домой поздно. Когда она пришла пришла вчера домой ?)
4) What is Steve? ( стив адвокат. Кто есть стив?
5) Who dance very well? ( Анна танцует очень хорошо. Кто танцует очень хорошо?)
Ай'м спэндин зе уик ин итали. Зис ис эмэйзинг. Эври дэй ай гоу ту зэ пак энд ин кафэ. Зэ фуд ис делишэс. Олмост эври дэй э Стронг винди ис вэзе бат зэ сан
<span>1) The science of economics studies business, manufacture, trade, inflation,
unemployment, decisions that are taken by governments, companies, by all of us
every day.
2) While microeconomics deals with companies and households, macroeconomics studies
the economy as a whole.</span>
3) Economic resources include both material resources, such as raw
materials, buildings, and others, as well as intangible resources such as time.
<span>4) Every day we take a lot of decisions and each decision is an exchange
of one resource for another.
5) Economists collect data and on the base of this data, they create economic
6) Economic models show the relationship between various processes in the
7) Some economists try to explain the behavior of the economy on the base of the
data collected while others suggest the ways of improving the economic