1. 320 млн. чел
2.Sargasso sea, Beringov Sea, Caribbean sea
4.446 км
5.from the beginnig of XIX century to 1920.
7. Colorado Columbia Mississippi
8. McKinley
9.USA is a big melting pot. The americans is a mixuture of other nationalities
-Говорят,что Марк вкладывает свое сердце и душу в готовку. (приготовление пищи)
-Так поэтому вкус такой мягкий?
Hello my friend. How are you? I think, that you are ok. I want to say you, that I go to the cinema tomorrow. Do you want to go to the cinema with me?
Four arms, four legs, four eyes, one mouth and two ears, one tail
A 1 is raining
2 read
3 don't eat
4 watch
5 is breaking
6 tidies
7 are you doing