Do you live ln Petersburg?
Does Tom live in Africa?
Do the children like apples?
Does he want to be an economist?
Does the boy go to school?
Понимаешь, в английском языке есть правило: Does, употребляется только если, есть местоимения She,He,It например: boy это мальчик, мальчик он, местоимение He, значит Does. другой пример: Jill это девочка, девочка она, местоимение She, значит Does и ещё один пример с местоимением It, обезьяна,лампа и другие они неодушевлённые и употребляются с местоимением It, а с местоимениями She и He ТОЛЬКО ЛЮДИ! и так: обезьяна это животное, животное оно, местоимение It, значит Does. A В ОСТАЛЬНЫХ МЕСТОИМЕНИЯХ ТОЛЬКО DO!! Вот: they,you,we, и все!
Похоже, что они хотят, чтобы ученик все сам прдумал: время, цены
Andy said he was </span>in a hurry because his bus was leaving in 10 minutes
<span><span>b) </span>
James said he had seen Steve a month previously.</span>
He said sh</span>e would talk to the entire class
</span>Melinda said that <span>Jason was having a birthday party at his house the following day”</span>
<span><span>e) </span>
</span> Kathy said that I would <span>never believe what had happened the day before. </span>
Ann told me that Sally had been working hard in the lab the day before.
<span>2)Turn the following questions into
Reported Speech.</span>
<span><span>a) </span>Andy asked me who was at the party the night before.</span>
<span><span>b) H</span>is mother asked him if he was going </span>to the cinema the next day
<span><span>c) </span>
She asked us when the </span>the package would be delivered.
<span><span>d) </span>
He asked me w</span>here the building was.
She asked me how she could get to P S. </span>
He asked Tom if he was flying to Paris the following week.
</span><span>3)Turn the following commands into
Reported Speech.</span>
Tom's mother told him to turn off the TV.</span>
The woman begged Peter to help her.</span>
Her father told her not to talk to strangers. </span>
<span><span>d) </span>
Mother told us to take off our shoes. </span>
Sandra asked her son to pick up his books. </span>