Дорогая мама и папа..Ну как-то так
<span>Leaning Tower of Pisa in Italy was constructed as the bell tower for the city's cathedral. However, at that time the architects weren't experienced. So, it was built on soft ground and as soon as it had been built, it slowly began to lean.
Over the years, many attempts were made to stop the tower from leaning. Once, people removed stones from the bottom in order to put strong metal rods in, but the stones that were being removed were part of the foundations so the tower leaned even more! Since then it has been reinforced to correct this. Today, the tower can still be seen leaning to one side. It is covered in marble and it is very beautiful. Unfortunately, however, it was closed to the public in 1990 after it was revealed that a single busload of tourists at the top could make it fall over completely! All the same, it will be visited by tourists for many years to come.</span>
<span>Look at the house. Jim and Jill live in this house. Listen and learn: (Посмотрите на дом. Джим и Джилл живут в этом доме. Прослушайте и выучите слова)
1 hall - зал, холл, прихожая, коридор.
2 kitchen - кухня
3 pantry - кладовая
4 living room - гостиная
5 bedroom - спальня
6 bathroom - ванная комната
7 toilet - туалет
8 window - окно
9 wall - стена
10 door - дверь</span>
Понравься мне или мб охлади меня?
<span>Teach each other - учить друг друга</span>
<span>Put your toys into the other box - положи игрушки другую коробку</span>
<span> Where is your doll? где твоя кукла?</span>
<span>-In the other box. - в другой коробке</span>
<span>2 car - автомобиль</span>
hard - тяжелый, усердный
work - работа, работать
think hard - задуматься, хорошо подумать
My father is a businessman. - Мой отец бизнесмен.
He works hard. - Он усердно работает.
Do you work hard at your English? - Ты усердно работаешь над своим английским языком?