My favourite hero is Krosh from 'Smeshariki'. - Мой любимый герой - это Крош из "Смешариков".
He is very active and brave. - Он нчень активный и смелый.
He can jump high, stand on his head and go on his ears! - Он может высоко прыгать, стоять на голове и ходить на ушах!
He always helps his friends. - Он всегда помогает своим друзьям.
He loves carrot, but never steals it from the garden of his friend Kopatych. - Он любит морковку, но никогда не крадёт её из огорода своего друга Копатыча.
Wendy (1) <u>was doing</u>/did the dishes when she heard a scream. She ran to the window to see what happened. She didn'the notice anything strange while she (2) looked/<u>was looking </u>out the window. She (3) was deciding/<u>decided </u>to go outside to find out what happened. While she (4) <u>was walking</u>/walked to the front door, she picked up her mobile phone. She was ready to call the police if something terrible happened. When she (5) was arriving/<u>arrived </u>in her front garden, she heard the scream again. It was coming from her neighbour's house. She (6) was walking/ <u>walked</u> to their house. When her neighbour (7) <u>opened</u>/was opening the door, Wеndy saw what was happening. Her neighbour (8) watched/<u>was watching</u> a flimsy angry the screams were coming from the TV!
ˈtɛdi beə, ˈtɛdi beə<span>, </span>
lʊk əˈraʊnd<span>. </span>
ˈtɛdi beə, ˈtɛdi beə<span>, </span>
tʌʧ ðə graʊnd<span>. </span>
ˈtɛdi beə, ˈtɛdi beə<span>, </span>
swɪʧ ɒf ðə laɪt<span>. </span>
ˈtɛdi beə, ˈtɛdi beə<span>, </span>
seɪ “gʊd naɪt<span>”.</span>
He went to the library an hour ago. Maria left her house in Moscow. The robber got into the house when it was dark. She drove many cars,but it is her favorite. She was jealous of her sister when they were little girls. When Alex and Linda finnaly met,they hugged for a long time. The teacher showed me the river Volga on the map. I grew beautiful flowers. He had a bad habit of nail biting. Alex spent all his money.
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