Бабушка плохо слышала, хоть и имела слуховой аппарат. Вечером она забыла аппарат дома и поднимаясь по лестничной клетке, не расслышала как ещё окликнули сзади и сильно ушиблась. Придя домой, она рассмотрела ушибленную руку и уже точно знала, что это не перелом. Чтобы вылечить руку, бабушке нужно много денег, но ей нечем платить за лекарства. Но что же делать? Бабушка рассказала внучке про ушиб, и позволила ей купить все лекарства. В знак благодарности, бабушка научила внучку печь торты и правильно класть фрукты на крем.
<span>- Excuse me, where….
- It's over there.
</span><span>- Do you do any….
- Oh, many of them
</span><span>- Shall I show….
- No, thank you. I….
</span><span>- How often do you go…
- Twice a week.
</span><span>- Where do you do sports?
- Wherever I can……
</span><span>- Is it embarrassing….
- In fact I don't care.
Диалог между двумя друзьями:
</span><span>- Hi! Where are you going?
- To a fitness club. I do aerobics.
- How often do you go to a fitness club?
- Twice a week.
- Is it embarrassing to make mistakes in a class with lots of people?
- In fact I don't care. Do you do any sports?
- Oh, many of them.
- Let's go to the stadium together.
-It sounds great!
1. aunt
We live in a world where people are always in a hurry and don’t have enough time to eat healthy. Eating in a hurry can be harmful for the body. Buying every desired product is also risky. There are lots of products today which are genetically modified. It means that they weren’t grown in their natural environment and conditions. If we want to follow a healthy diet, we should avoid such products. Eating healthy is very important for every person. Wise people say, “Health is above wealth”. And, indeed, what can we do properly if we don’t eat. It is our natural source of energy, so it’s better to chose it carefully. For example, our body needs more vitamins and minerals but it doesn’t need much cholesterol. That’s why, it’s better to avoid using fat-containing products. We also need less sodium, which is found in salt and less sugar. I now try to eat less sweets and cakes. First of all, it can make me overweight. Secondly, it’s not good for health. Eating lots of vegetables and fruit is healthy. Other healthy and nutritious products include fish, seafood, whole grains, fat-free or low-fat milk products, lean meat, eggs, beans, seeds and nuts. However, a lot depends on every person’s body and its needs. For example, some people are highly allergic to nuts. In this case they need to cut this product out of their daily diet. Another problem is the increasing number of fast-food chains. People want to eat quickly but they don’t realize that fast-food is unhealthy. The regime of eating is also important. It means we need to eat at certain hours during the day. For example, breakfast at 8 am, lunch at 1 pm, snack at 4 pm and dinner at 6 pm. Along with eating healthy, we should try to keep fit by doing exercise, cycling, spending less time in front of the TV and not smoking.
Monica is going to buy a new computer next Monday
Bobby is flying to Mexico tomorrow
Marta is going shopping this afternoon
It is going to be freezing cold next week(?)
What cities are you going to visit on holiday