A/ They want me to <span>put glass bottles to a bottle bank
b/ </span>They want me to buy products in<span> bottles, boxes and bags onstead of </span><span>plastic containers
c/ </span>They want me to go for shopping with a paper bag
d/ They want me not to <span>throw away plastic bags and to use them several times
e/ T</span>hey want me to collect and recycle newspapers
f/ They want me to <span>replace a notebook when it is completely filled out
g/ </span>They want me to t<span>ake quick showers instead of baths
h/ </span><span>They want me to turn off water </span><span>while brushing my teeth
i/ </span>They want me to <span>give away old clothes to someone who may need them
j/ </span>They want me to <span>walk, use your bike or public transport instead of a car
k/ </span>They want me to switch off <span>the light on when i leave the room
l/ </span>They want me to <span>plant trees and flowers</span>
<span>Every year in autumn Comic Con Russia in Moscow passes.
All visitors are waiting for many surprises and gifts, premieres and colorful cosplay.</span>
это говорит о том,что обращать внимание только на внешние признаки-неправильно.Что за видимым блеском и роскошью,или видимой уверенностью и шиком,может скрываться подделка,дешевый понт,или невежество и некомпетентность.Что нужно более внимательно и углубленно понимать с чем имеешь дело
А) some
b) some
b) the
c) -
a) some
b) -
c) some
5. a) a
b) the
1.New rules
2. the sale of 'hoodies' in shopping centers
3.objection teenagers
4.the negative attitude of adults in the address teen