Напишите шесть предложений о вашем визите к родственникам в деревню. Используйте вопросы Ex. 4 как план.
Слова "farim" не существует. есть слово " farm". транскрипция-<span>fɑːm
</span>глагол - сдавать в аренду;.
существительное- ферма,питомник;
прилагат.- хуторской,сельскохозяйственный.
+ I enjoy learning new things and spending time with my school friends;
+ My favorite subject at school is ***, so I devote a lot of time prepearing for it. But also love those lessons the most ;
+ I have a lot of opportunities to try new things: sports, art, music;
+ I have free time to do what I like: watch movies, read fantasy books (or any other books);
+ I love extra school activities that I can have with my classmates;
+ It is important to have my best friends around me. My school friends are the best!
- A lot of pressure for good school marks;
- Little freedom of choise ( in questions like choosing teachers, classmates, school uniform, subjects);
- Sometimes it is simply scary to be a teenager and school is just adding to the whole stress.
1) simple
2) perfect
3) perfect
4) simple
5) perfect
6) simple
7) perfect
8) simple
9) perfect
10) perfect
Less-меньше,В эти дни люди покупают меньше (less) газеты чем они привыкли