Слушать и повторять ww Что же ваше имя ?
I'd like to vote for the Russian State Library.To many, the Russian state library - a unique collection of books, magazines, newspapers, documents, etc. The Russian State Library is recognized as the second largest in the world. It has been around for more then 140 years. Significant manuscript books form part of printed materials Russian State Library. <span>The Russian State Library represents the icon of Russia.</span>
1) I
have never seen such a big apple.
2) I
have never seen such __ old trees.
3) I
have never eaten such __ hot soup.
He missed the last bus again.
It happened __ last week.
They are in __ North America for the first time.
7) The
weather in the south of Russia is sunny and warm.
8) I
don't like such __ rainy weather.
What a comfortable kitchen!
What __ terrible weather we are having!
3. Write the plural<span>. – <em>напиши во множественном числе</em></span></span>
В каком контексте ? Если текст в настоящем простом времени, то следует поставить глагол "is" .