1. Просто напиши дату рождения и то, где родился
Пример: I was born on the [день] of [месяц] in [год] in town/city [название города]
2. Ответь занимаешься ли ты спортом
Yes, i do and i really interesnig in it [да]
No, i don't go in for sport [нет]
3. Проводишь ли ты много времени с семьёй?
Yes, i do and i love my family [да]
No, u<span>nfortunately i don't [нет]
4. Кто глава в вашей семье?
Думаю, сам сможешь написать
Пример: My father is runs the house
5. Когда ты обычно ложишься спать?
Тоже простой вопрос, ответь на своё усмотрение
Пример: Think, i usually i go to bad about 9:30 PM</span>
1) She promised that she would speak to the manager about him.
2) The teacher asked Nelly if she would shut the window.
3) The new pupil asked Cyril if he was a captain of the school football team.
4) Andy asked the physical education teacher how long it usually took to learn to skate.
5) Guide Said that then they were looking at a magnificent sample of ancient art.
6) Students said they had translated the article and done all exercises.
7) The Zoo worker said to visitors not to feed the animals.
8) Nick offered Alla to help her with her suitcase.
<span>I dont have a lot of furniture in my room . There
is a bed and a bookcase. I
put my books in it.
I keep my clothes in the wardrobe.
I am cleaning my room now.
1. Меня спросили на уроке вчера - I was asked at the lesson yesterday. - Past simple passive
2. Мне дали очень интересную книгу в библиотеке в прошлую пятницу - I was given a very interesting book at the library last Friday. - Past
3.Эта работа будет сделана завтра - This work will be done tomorrow. -Future
4.Этот текст перевели на прошлом уроке - This text was translated at the last lesson. - Past
5. Эти деревья посадили прошлой осенью - These trees were planted last autumn. -Past
6. В хоккей играют зимой - Hoskey is played in winter - Present
7. Грибы собирают осенью - Mushrooms are gathered in autumn. - Present
В вашем задании не указано - какое именно время пассивного залога вам необходимо. В моем ответе даны варианты предложений на разные времена.
<span>yana ponomareva //////</span><span />