Usually I go to the grocery store. I take there only the most necessary products to me. I take milk, bread, eggs, various cereals, water, pasta, canned food and some sweets for tea. I can go for a long time and choose what I need to buy, sometimes it happens to buy, what I do not need is because of this I do not really like going to the store. I also go to the shopping center, which is next to me, there are dozens of different shops. But most often I go there in a supermarket, a sports store and a bookstore. Most of all I like the bookstore, I like to walk between shelves, sniff the smell of books and think that I would like to read?ну так как-то
1)А; 2)Б; 3)А; 4)А; 5)А; 6)В; 7)Б; 8)Б; 9)А; 10)В; 11)А.
Лучший пример типичного злодея это дарт вэйдер из звездных войн, темный костюм, жажда мести тому кто помешал его злодейским планам, кровожадность, беспощадность, злость и другое
Gloves are worn in cold weather