<span><span><span>январь January [ 'dʒænju(ə)ri ]
</span></span><span>февраль <span>February [ 'febru(ə)ri ]
</span></span><span>март <span>March [ mɑ:tʃ ]
</span></span><span>апрель <span>April [ 'eipr(ə)l ]
</span></span><span>май <span>May [ mei ]
</span></span><span>июнь <span>June [ dʒu:n ]
</span></span><span>июль <span>July [ dʒu'lai ]
</span></span><span>август <span>August [ ɔ:'gΛst ]
</span></span><span>сентябрь <span>September [ sep'tembə ]
</span></span><span>октябрь <span>October [ ɔk'təubə ]
</span></span><span>ноябрь <span>November [ nəu'vembə ]
</span></span><span>декабрь <span>December [ di'sembə ]</span></span></span>
Меня зовут Нуни(наверное)
1) I wish I had some better idea of the contemporary styles and trends.
2) They believe that if he wasn't so successful in music, he would be a successful writer or lawyer.
3) If it was not for her, I would feel very homesick.
4) If I didn't write my to-do lists, I would forget lots of things I need to do.
5) I wouldn't mind wearing this dress for our family reunion party if it wasn't so old-fashioned.
6) I would always be on time for my classes if I didn't live so far away from my school.
1. helps
2. lost
3. Are
4. Didn’t discuss
5. Will meet
6. Have
7. Have
8. Was, listen
9. Understand
10. Plays
11. Take, took
12. Took
13. Were, miss
14. Works, has
15. Is traveling
16. Doesn’t win
Русский эквивалент? Лучше синица в руках, чем журавль в небе.