<span>1. Mother’s Day isn't celebrated in the USA earlier than in Britain. — Mother’s Day isn't celebrated in Britain earlier than in the USA.
2. On Mother’s Day mothers don't buy presents for their family. — On Mother’s Day children don't buy presents for their mothers.
3. International Women’s Day isn't celebrated all over the world. — International Women’s Day isn't celebrated mainly in Russia..
4. Only grown-up women don't get presents on International Women’s Day. – Girls and women don't get presents on International Women’s Day. —
5. In Russia, mothers mustn't cook a big dinner to celebrate International Women’s Day. — In Russia, men don't try to do all the housework to celebrate International Women’s Day</span>
1. b, e, l, t, t, a, i, e, m- Из этих букв составить слова умоляю 2. j, t, e, c, p, o, r-3. i, t, h, o, o, g, e, r, c, y, n-4. u
Timetable project technology literature
subject information
1. Peter <span><span>is expected to</span> establish a record tomorrow.
2. Mr. Evans </span><span><span>is known to</span> deal with the matter.
3. Bill </span><span><span> is said to </span>prefer boating to swimming.
4. Ann’s son </span><span><span><span>is believed </span> to be a promising physisist.
B.1. She was seen to enter the garden through a side gate.
2. The phone was heard to be buzzing in the next room.
3. The plane was watched to climb gracefully and disappeared in the white clouds.
4. The taxi was hesrd to be giving repeated signals down in the street.
5. Jimmy was heard to shout something to the people on the bridge. </span></span>
Дорогой Мистер Белл
Я приеду в Эдинбург на поезде в следующий вторник. Я прибуду на станцию Вэверли в 11:40. Вы можете встретить меня? У меня нет своей фотографии, но я могу описать себя. Мне 32, небольшого роста с черным цветом волос и короткой бородой, у меня голубые глаза, буду в белой рубашке, в темно-синем свитере и светло-серых брюках
С нетерпением жду нашей встречи, Пол Сандерс
<span>1. We shall call for an ambulance, if he feels worse.
2. If I see Bob I shall give him the message.
3. If you make me strong coffee I shall be very thankful.
4. When the bus comes, we shall be ready to go.</span>