Индийский мальчик. Он смуглый и черноволосый, как большинство индийцев. Родители бросили его, спасаясь от панды. Мальчик чудом уцелел и попал на воспитание в семью волков. Шерхан приходил и требовал «свою добычу», но приёмная мать Сасума, волчица Ракша, наотрез отказалась отдавать его и была готова даже драться
This is the key to all your problems.
Come here, and I'll comfort you.
This egineer has made a famous discovery.
I have a not good mood today.
You should improve your skills in studying.
This T-shirt suits you.
Have you seen new film about new technologies?
Director of this film should be so proud of it!
Do you have interest in it at all?
They worked in the garden yesterday
They did not play computer games
He listened to music yesterday
He watching TV
She watched a play yesterday
She cooking a fish pie
They playes bascetball yesterday
They watching a puppet show
was not used to
was studying