I do not really like to read, to talk about the benefits of reading as freely as some of my classmates. Unfortunately, I do not have enough time to deal with his books. Similarly, in the school curriculum.
That was my book. This is a novel by Daniel Defoe, known to all as "Robinson Crusoe." This story tells us about the adventures of the protagonist. It was suitable for living. Robinson is faced with many difficulties and obstacles that he successfully managed to overcome. In addition, he became a best friend and received the name - Friday. The main character returns to England, where he is reunited with his family.
I think reading books is important and necessary. Even if you don’t have enough time for this. Reading enriches vocabulary, improves visual memory and increases mindfulness.
Today my brother and I have already finished our job,haven't we? Разделительный
Who has already finished our job? Вопрос к подлежащему
When have my brother and I finished our job? Специальный
Have my brother and I finished our job today? Общий
Have my brother and I finished our job today or this week? Альтернативный
Обычно я читаю книги.Слушаю классическую музыку убираюсь дома сочиняю рифмы учу уроки хожу на секции рисую красивые рисунки.
4а, 5d, 6d, 7c, 8a, 9c, 10a, 11d, 12d, 13c(хотя может быть и d), 14b, 15a, 16b, 17c, 18b, 19d, 20d, 21a, 22b, 23a, 24d, 25c, 26a, 27a, 28a, 29a, 30a
Если стихи весёлые, то я читаю их детям.
If the verses are funny, then I read them to the children.
Если у меня есть время, я смотрю сериалы.
If I have time, I watch TV shows.
Если идёт дождь, я использую зонт.
If it rains, I use an umbrella.
Если апельсин оранжевый, значит он вкусный.
If the orange is orange, then it's tasty.
Если потерялся - спроси дорогу.
If lost - ask the way.
Если я съем много на ночь, я плохо сплю.
If I eat a lot at night, I do not sleep well.
Если работать усердно - можно многого достичь.
If you work hard, you can achieve a lot.
Если он ест много сладкого, у него появляется аллергия.
If he eats a lot of sweet, he has an allergy.
Я хожу на роботу даже если болею.
I go to the robot even if I'm sick.
Если нарушать правила, можно получить штраф.
If you break the rules, you can get a fine.