Present Simple Passive
Например, предложение
We <u>are given</u> pocket money every week. - Нам дают карманные деньги каждую неделю. (это регулярное действие, страдательный = пассивный залог)
Our team wants to help the environment.
We fight against water and air pollution
Are you unhappy with the ecological situation in your region?
<span>Send us some information about it and we`ll try to help </span>
Bodiam Castle (Bodiam), located in Sussex (England), stands near the River Rother (Rother), almost on the border of Kent and Sussex.
It belongs to the rare breed of "residential locks," the last true castles in England. Preserving the function of the fortress, he, in contrast to the more ancient strongholds, is also suitable for life, and beautifully decorated, showing guests and neighbors, wealth, value and good taste of the owner.
When, in 1360 m Edward the Third signed a peace treaty with Bretini in which he renounced claims to the French crown, but retained the Aquitaine, Calais and other provinces, it is not really thought about the evacuation of the remnants of his troops to England. Those people who find themselves in a foreign country under threat of death, rallied. Thus were formed the so-called Floor Units or Routiers - private armies officially serve the king, but in fact were selling their services to the highest bidder.
o,s,l,w,l,h,o,n-snowholl-снежный холл;
1.was founded