<span>hit hit hit <span>ударить
А остальные вроде правильные глаголы</span></span>
1 was written
2 were made
3 was published
4 was sent
5 was given
1 is celebrted
2 are connected
3 are visited
4 is known
5 is read
1)Приезд Володи с другом
3)Любопытные сестры
4)Сестры послушал разговор
5)Побег мальчиков в Америку
6)Задержка в городе, в Гостинном дворе
7)Приезд мамы Чечевицына
8)Монтигомо-Ястребиный Коготь
1. Alyonushka is older than Ivanushka.
2. Alyonushka is taller than Ivanushka.
3. Alyonushka is sadder than Ivanushka.
4. Ivanushka is younger than Alyonushka.
5. Ivanushka is shorter than Alyonushka.
6. Ivanushka is happier than Alyonushka.
1. He put the money into the waiter's hands.
2. We can take my father's car.
3. Mary and Mike are staying at their friends' house.
4. Jane works in my uncle's office.
5. Peter's mom is a doctor.
6. My daughter closed the kitchen door.
7. My grandmother's apartment is in that building.
8. I have my grandmother's record player.
9. My brother's son had a record player.
10. The girls' book was lying on the table.