It's ________ (имя).
I have good news for you. You can congratulate me. I have just won a national competition for young musicians. I am so happy!!! I worked hard and now I am the winer!!
It was rather hard because there were so many talanted musicians at this competition. I remembered one girl- she played violine. She was so spiritulize. I though that she will be a winner. She played so great!
I was little surprised when they said that i was the winner. But it was very pleasant for me to hear my name.
I think you will be happy for me.
Please, write to me as soon as you can
Собаки (Dogs)
Кошки (Cats)
Мыши (Mouse)
Джоан роулинг - известная писательница .
Она известна серией книг книг Гарри Поттер.
Недавно вышла новая книга а до неё была книга в 2014.
Её книги продаются хорошо особенно в англии.
Перевод у её книг хороший потому что она вкладывает много денег в переводчиков.
Да там надо вписать названия животных
Как я поняла, здесь нужно составить предложение в отрицательной степени.
1. We weren't having breakfast from 7 a.m. to 8 a.m.
2. The boys weren't carrying the buckets.
3. The mobile phone wasn't ringing.