1. talk
2. wash
3. tell
4. read
5. sing
Для каждого из нас школа – это второй дом. Здесь есть и вторая мама – наша первая учительница. Именно она научила нас писать, читать, логически мыслить. Учительница учит нас быть добрыми, честными, правильно общаться, дружить.
Школа дает нам опору, дарит тепло и радость. Каждое утро мы спешим в свой светлый класс, где теплой улыбкой встречает нас учительница.
For each of us, a school is a second home. There is a second mother here - our first teacher. It was she who taught us to write, read, think logically. The teacher teaches us to be kind, honest, communicate correctly, make friends.
The school gives us support, gives warmth and joy. Every morning we hurry to our bright classroom, where a teacher greets us with a warm smile.
I like sweets
I like dogs
I like flowers
I like books
I like birds
Primula <span>/<span>ˈprɪmjʊlə</span>/</span> is a genus of mainly herbaceous flowering plants in the family Primulaceae. They include the familiar wildflower of banks and verges, the primrose (P. vulgaris). Other common species are P. auricula (auricula), P. veris (cowslip) and P. elatior (oxlip). These species and many others are valued for their ornamental flowers. They have been extensively cultivated and hybridised - in the case of the primrose, for many hundreds of years. Primula are native to the temperate
northern hemisphere, south into tropical mountains in Ethiopia,
Indonesia and New Guinea, and in temperate southern South America.
Almost half of the known species are from the Himalayas.
Primula has about 500 species in traditional treatments, and more if certain related genera are included within its circumscription.
Primula is a complex and varied genus, with a range of habitats
from alpine slopes to boggy meadows. Plants bloom mostly during the
spring, with flowers often appearing in spherical umbels on stout stems
arising from basal rosettes of leaves; their flowers can be purple,
yellow, red, pink, blue, or white. Some species show a white mealy bloom
(farina) on various parts of the plant. Many species are adapted to alpine climates.