1)He resented to be disinherite by his father.<span> </span>Don't quit to work in this shop.
<span>At school I must to be diligent, not rude to the teacher and comply with the school regulations. I mustn't have to use my cell phone and run down the hallways</span>
What did they do since we had left. Разве нет?
PAST SIMPLE (прошедшае простое время)
1)I went outside yesterday
(я выходил наружу вчера)
2)He swam in the smimming pool lats year
(он плавал в басейне в прошлом году)
3)She could help hep a few minutes ago
(она могла ему помочь несколько минут назад)
4) They were very strange in this morning
(они были странными в это утро)
5) We saw a little kitte this afternoon
(мы видели маленького котенка в этот полдень)
1. I haven't met Helen lately
2. I've lost my key
3. Where were you yesterday? I visited my relations
4. We have discussed the terms of contract the whole week