1. Several important developments have been brought by engineers in the fields of electric power and mechanics.
2. Analog is being replaced by digital systems
3. Computers are used by engineers to solve complex problems
4. The current motives for investment in robots is difficult to be generalized from the marginal point.
5. The work to squeeze great numbers of circuit elements onto smaller chips are continued by engineers.
Where does this worker live?
1. People in this country are usually open five days a week. 2. They live in London. 3. Our team plays football every Friday. 4. The sun rises in the east. 5. Do you play a musical instrument? 6. Vegetarians - people who do not eat meat. 7 I usually stay with relatives, when I come to school. 8. I do not understand why she kept making this mistake. 9. Do you think he's right? 10. If you like this kind of music, you can go to the new music store.
У аквамарина блеск сильный.
Цвет: светло-голубой, голубовато-зелёный,зеленовато-синий или серо-голубой.
Найти этот минерал можно найти в крупнозернистых гранитах.Ещё,можно найти в Бразилии,Мадагаскаре,России.
1 has-Present Simple
2 won't forget-Future Simple
3 go- Present Simple
4 drove, turned off- Past Simple
5 will be ready- Future Simple; comes back-Present Simple
6 don't understand- Present Simple;is talking- Present Continuous
7 forget- Present Simple
(может вы ошиблись в слове forget.возможно надо forgot- Past Simple)
8 rained,had to stay-Past Simple