1 Who lived almost 7 centuries ago?
2He was a very powerful soldier ,wasn't he?
3 What city did he make a capital of his empire ?
4 What did he build in Samarcand?
5 Who was Bibi-Khan?
6 What did she decide to build ?
7 She found the best architect who designed the most magnificent could imagine,didn't she?
8 Why did she let kiss herself ?
9 Why was this a terrible mistake?
10 Was the master-builder executed immediately?
Dear Dad,
Hi from Moscow! How are you doing? Sorry I didn't write earlier, I was busy but now I am free. I just wanted to remind that I'm flying home tomorrow. I hope to hear from you soon.
(твое имя)
Речь идёт о литературных жанрах.
1. Dr<u>a</u>m<u>a</u> - Драма;
2. <u>C</u>omed<u>y</u> - Комедия;
3. N<u>o</u>v<u>e</u>l - Роман (новелла, повесть);
4. M<u>y</u>ster<u>y</u> - Мистика;
5. Su<u>s</u>pen<u>s</u>e - Саспенс (у нас чаще этот жанр используется в фильмах, когда зрителя держат в постоянной готовности (ожидании) какого-то не очень хорошего события);
6. <u>S</u>cien<u>c</u>e fi<u>c</u>tion - Научная фантастика;
7. Fai<u>r</u>y t<u>a</u>l<u>e</u> - Сказка;
8. Legen<u>ds</u> - Легенды;
9. M<u>y</u>th<u>s</u> - Мифы;
10. B<u>i</u>ograp<u>hy</u> - Биография;
happy, worried, shocked, interested, curious
1 Ответь сам(а) где находится твой дом
2)there is living room,two bed rooms, bath room, kitchen and hall.3) My favorite room is my room. My computer,my bed, my desk, and my posters with what i love