<span>Me and my friends very often go to the movies. So you can relax from a hard week of study. Especially we like to go to the horrors. It's always interesting what the hero is waiting for if he goes where he can not walk. Going to the movies is a great way to spend time with friends.</span>
<span>1.He will be here soon.2.The dress will be ready tomorrow.3.They will be at the station in time for the result in a year.4.I will know the result in a day.5.I will be twenty years old next year.6.They will remember you well.7.When will he come back?8.When he comes,I will apologize to him.9.I will not see this beautiful city again.10.I will recognize his pictures anywhere.</span>
можно написать с перво его биографию в кратке ,потом можно написать где и когда было поставлено его памятник я думаю так
Сказка это выдуманная история, часто с определенным подтекстом -- сказка ложь, да в ней намек, добрым молодцам урок) А предание претендует на определенную достоверность со слов очевидцев, но так как передается "из уст в уста", то чаще всего сильно искажается со временем)
Ben is younger than his brother.
My street is the longest of all.
This photo is bidder than that.
Her new toy is the cutest.