1. cheese
2. biscuits
3. bananas
4. spaghetti
5. bread
6. yoghurt
1 such a
2 such a
3 such a, so
4 so
5 so
6 so
7 such
8 so
9 so
10 so
11 such a
12 so
13 so
14 so
15 so
16 so, such a
17 so
18 such a
19 so
20 such a
1 so
2 such
3 such a
4 so
5 so
6 so
7 such
8 such a
9 such a
10 so
11 so
12 so, such
13 such a
14 so
15 such a
16 so
17 so
18 such
19 so
20 such a
1 How (much)>
many chairs are their in your kitchen?
2 You are
an excellent swimmer. Who (teached) > taught you to swim?
3 How (many)
> much time did you spend to learn the rule yesterday?
4 What was
the weather like yesterday?
<span>5 This
shoes (costed) > cost four (hundreds)> hundred forty-four hryvnas.</span>
Там где вставлены слова - все верно
Where do you live? In London. - Где ты живешь? В Лондоне
2. How often does Dick play football? Twice a week. Как часто Дик играет в футбол? Дважды в неделю
3. How far is your house from school? Two kilometres. Как далеко твой дом от школы? В 2 километрах
4. How do you travel to school? By bus. Как ты добираешься до школы? На автобусе
5. When do they do their homework? On Sunday evenings. Когда они делают домашнее задание? В воскресенье вечером
6. Who is your favourite actor? Robert DeNiro.
Кто твой любимый актер? Роберт Де Ниро
7. When does Ann go to bed at? 11pm. Во сколько Энн ложится спать? В 11 вечера
8. What is the capital of Norway? Oslo! Какая столица в Норвегии? Осло
9. How tall is your father? 1 metre and 80 centimetres. Какой рост у твоего отца? 1 метр 80 см