1. There are nice cities.
2. The roofs of these houses were white
3. Are there geese or hens
4. There are mouses in the cellars
5. <span>Those families are happy
</span>6. The books from these libraries are interesting.
7. Are these teeth or stones?
8. <span>There were geese in the fields.
</span>1. Who can better know my weakness than<u> I</u>?
2. <u>He</u> has never got anything interesting to say.
3. <u>None</u> of those dogs are <u>ours</u>.
4. The child fell and hurt <u>himself</u> badly.
<span>5. Please tell <u>me</u> about <u>your</u> new friends </span>
6. <u>Who</u> wrote the book about the famous Russian sportsmen?
7. It there <u> anybody</u> in the room? <u>I</u> see <u>nobody </u>
8. On the way home <u>he</u> fell down and hurt <u>himself</u>
9. All my sisters live in Summerville, but <u>none </u>of them were born there
<span>10. What are <u>you</u> looking for? </span>
11. The boy refused to tell <u>us</u> anything
<span>12. <u>That</u> is this week`s number one hit </span><span>
Was raining,was doing,was waiting,was listening
How are you?
I am fine and how are you doing?
I am doing fine.
How are your sister? Where is she now?
She is in London.She is learning English there.
That is wonderful!
They are fine too. They are in Cyprus now.
Are you busy tonight?
We are having a party...
Дальше я не вижу/сори
Входи Джим
О, какой великолепный класс Светлый и чистый И здесь много растений
Да мы поливаем их во время перемен
Мы очень любим свои цветы Джим, посмотри на эти рисунки Нравится? Мы рисовали их в прошлом году
Да Они великолепные Я люблю рисовать
О И здесь новый компьютер с мультимедийным прожектором В прошлом году на уроках Английского и литературы мы смотрели фильмы в виде видео
<span>Со шторами будет лучше До лета здесь не было штор Какой хороший сюрприиз </span><span>Джим и его друзья в кабинете, читают диалог и говорят что видят в классе