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Open Broadcaster Software
Open Broadcaster Software — свободная программа с открытым исходным кодом для записи видео и потокового вещания, разрабатываемая проектом OBS и сообществом независимых разработчиков.
Если коротко,то это программа
On October 10 (21), 1715, a significant part of the meeting of Kazakh foremen, led by Abulkhair Khan, spoke in favor of the adoption of an act on the voluntary joining of the Younger Zhuz of the Kazakhs to the Russian Empire. In 1734, he sent a Russian diplomat AI Tevkelev to the court of Empress Anna Ioannovna embassy led by her son Yerali, who, on behalf of his father, undertook to protect the Russian borders adjacent to the lands of his horde, to protect the Russian merchant caravans as they passed through the Kazakh steppes, to give, like Bashkirs and Kalmyks, in case of need, an auxiliary army and pay yasak with animal skins.
вроді чапля,або перепілка
Объяснение: тоқ, оқа, оқ, ата, ат, тай