Курение- это вредная привычка, которая убивает жизнь человечка.
Привет болота образуются на чернозёмной почве желаю занять 1 место
<span>Most of the Greek children never went to school. Slaves also went to school. Many children in Ancient Greece were slaves. And boy, even if he was free, he could not go to school until his family could not pay the teachers. Was not in urban schools. People who had money tried to send our boys to school, because without education they could not practice in the policy. Schools were маленькие.В schools were taught reading, writing. They learnt to play the lyre, double VD, as well as sing.</span>
Объем не зависит от материала сосуда, т.е. не важно из чего он сделан.